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Monday, August 30, 2010 | 0 Comments
2011年,你绝不能错过的演唱会 - 无可争议的R&B天王在音乐上都有着自己独特的鲜明烙印,对中西音乐大胆而又恰当的融合。他给中国风倾注的音乐灵魂,给音乐赋予的高水平的制作效果,让无数人为之折服。在他的歌曲中,只要听旋律、听意境、听吐词成句的感觉,就会令人陶醉其中。
接连不断的广告与影片合约,让周杰伦辗转半个地球开拓自己的娱乐版图,集歌手,制作人,导演于一身,但是无论他有多忙都不忘为热爱他的歌迷们带来他的新专辑“跨时代”和“超时代”世界巡回演唱会。拥有非凡独创力的周杰伦,每场演唱会总能凭借得天独厚的音乐才华带来令人出乎意料的暗藏玄机。这一次杰伦会带来什么不一样的演唱会呢?演唱会上杰伦将玩哪些乐器呢? 而你又怎能错过一睹这亚洲万人迷的舞台魅力呢?演唱会也将听到杰伦出道十年来的经典好歌。
周杰伦“超时代” 2011马来西亚世界巡回演唱会是由Speedy Entertainment荣誉带给您!
地点 : Bukit Jalil Stadium Putra
日期 : 2011年3月5日
时间 : 晚上8点
Saturday, August 14, 2010 | 0 Comments
Ways to unblock Streamyx BT P2P PPS
In my last blog : Malaysia Streamyx Block BT P2P PPS , i write that Streamyx already start to block BT, P2P and causes a software called PPS to have low download speed. Though, there is still some ways to overcome or we says "unblock" Streamyx BT, P2P ,PPS.
All we required to "unblock" "Screamyx" Blockage to BT P2P and PPS is by downloading and installing a software called "Hotspot Shield".
Below is the step to do:
1. Download "Hotspot Shield" and install.
2. If you are using PPS, refresh the programmes list. If you are using a BT software such as Bitcomet or Thuder, you need to do nothing. :)
3. Run the "Hotspot Shield" software that located in your desktop.
4. Enjoyed back your full speed bt p2p and pps using Streamyx broadband.
5. If you had tried and it works for you, please post a comment to me saying that it is useful or else i will threat it as a useless method and delete this post.
Download link: http://www.hotspotshield.com/
Note that this software is not using any hacking or crack technology.The only disadvantage i encounter when using this software is when you surfing internet, an advertisement will be shown in the above of the web page(There is nothing wrong as the people making this software also need to make some revenue for himself right?)Some of the people claims that they have a higher speed than before. So, what are you waiting for? Just try it and you will know its power!
Sunday, August 08, 2010 | 1 Comments